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Development Team Management Confirmed

Development Team Management Confirmed

JAMIE HUNTER4 Jun - 09:03
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Hunter, Hogan and Robinson take charge

Development Team Management Update

Easington Sports FC would like to confirm the appointment of Jamie Hunter, Ricky Hogan and Craig Robinson to the Development Team for 2024/25.

Jamie Hunter moves from the Under 17 and Under 16 squads into Open Age to provide continuity with the group.

We are delighted that Ricky Hogan remains with The Clan. Ricky offers plenty of experience in Open Age football having been last seasons Assistant Manager for the Development Squad and previously within the First Team Group.

Robbo returns to the Clan having gained valuable experience working with Oxford City Development last season and a former ESFC Dev and First team player.

All three are looking forward to working with a mixture of experienced players and young players following the pathway into Open Age football

The team will continue to play within the Hellenic League Division Two.


Further reading